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vol.48 número2Propuesta de Actualización del RAOHE Incorporando Tecnologías de Fracturamiento Hidráulico, Reinyección de Recortes y Revisión de Límites Permisibles en la Gestión de Descargas Líquidas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Politécnica

versión On-line ISSN 2477-8990versión impresa ISSN 1390-0129


LEON, Alain  y  SANTACRUZ, Stalin. Elaboration of Briquettes from By-products of African Palm (Elaeis guineensis J) and Rice (Oryza sativa L). Rev Politéc. (Quito) [online]. 2021, vol.48, n.2, pp.65-70. ISSN 2477-8990.

The increase of population all over the world has led to a greater demand for resources, especially food sources, influencing the agro-industrial development and the generation of by-products. Ecuador is the sixth country in the world in palm oil production, besides, its rice production is approximately 1 195 000 tons. Both industries generate 678 000 tons/year of by-products, which are underutilized and represent a disposal problem for companies, resulting in an environmental impact. Palm rachis and rice husk are composed mainly by lignin and cellulose giving it a high potential to be used as a briquette fuel. In the present work, briquettes were made from mixtures of rachis of palm and rice husk with the following compositions: 100% palm rachis; 75% palm rachis and 25% rice husk; 50% of both by-products; 25% palm rachis and 75% rice husk; and 100% rice husk. The briquettes were analyzed for friability and hardness (instrumental texture). The briquettes with the best characteristics were analyzed for caloric power. The friability varied between 0,84% and 17,86% and hardness between 11,84 N and 29,44 N, without significant differences (p<0,05). The selected treatment with the best friability and hardness (50% palm rachis and 50% rice husk) had a caloric power of 15,76 MJ/kg.

Palabras clave : biomass; compaction; friability; hardness; caloric power.

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