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Revista Politécnica

On-line version ISSN 2477-8990Print version ISSN 1390-0129


DELGADO, Mónica Susana; CABRERA, Marcelo  and  PEREZ, Gabriela. Analysis for the Implementation of the Quality Management System and the Environmental Management System for the Instrumental Analysis Laboratory of the National Polytechnic School. Rev Politéc. (Quito) [online]. 2019, vol.42, n.2, pp.57-62. ISSN 2477-8990.

The Instrumental Analysis Laboratory located on the 5th floor of Building No. 17 of the National Polytechnic School provides services for the analysis of well gases, biogas, biocides, solvents, laminated and tempered glass, among others; however, it does not have an integrated management system that includes ISO 9001: 2015 nor ISO 14001: 2015, which should be a fundamental basis in order to allow management based on process optimization with a reduction in environmental impacts what any company can generate With this background, this work aims to develop a mechanism for implementing a GIS and that is consistent with ISO 17025: 2015 by a systematic search of literature and as part of the accreditation of it. The results obtained show that the technique of total integration, proposed by Block and Marash (2000) and the alignment technique proposed by Ferguson et al (2002), are suitable for this type of laboratory, and replicable for similar laboratories.

Keywords : Quality; environment; instrumental analysis laboratory; integrated management systems.

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