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Revista Politécnica

On-line version ISSN 2477-8990Print version ISSN 1390-0129


ARMIJOS-ABENDANO, Jairo; LOPEZ, Ericson; LLERENA, Mario  and  ALDAS, Franklin. Kinematics and Mass of the NGC 7331 Galaxy. Rev Politéc. (Quito) [online]. 2018, vol.41, n.2, pp.23-28. ISSN 2477-8990.

The study of the rotation curve of the galaxy NGC 7331, located at 13,870 Mpc from the Earth, was carried out. The rotation curve is obtained using radio astronomy observations of the carbon monoxide (CO). The shape of the rotation curve and the velocities are very similar to those derived from atomic hydrogen data, suggesting the coexistence of both elements in the studied regions of NGC 7331. We found that the CO (2-1) line broadening is dominated by turbulent effects rather than by thermal effects. The velocity field of the galaxy is studied as well, showing that the galaxy is rotating clockwise. Finally, assuming a spherical approximation for the galaxy shape, a dynamical mass of 1,4E+10 solar masses is estimated for NGC 7331.

Keywords : Radio astronomy; galaxy; rotation curve; galactic mass; molecular gas.

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