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Revista Politécnica
On-line version ISSN 2477-8990Print version ISSN 1390-0129
SUAREZ, Alexander; LLUGSI, Ricardo; LUPERA, Pablo and CHANGO, Ramón. Implementation of an Aerial System for Measurement and Storage of Georeferenced Meteorological Parameters for Small Areas. Rev Politéc. (Quito) [online]. 2017, vol.39, n.2, pp.17-26. ISSN 2477-8990.
In this paper the design and implementation of a system of acquisition and storage of meteorological information is proposed to deploy atmospheric studies in small geographic areas. The system aims to be an alternative to traditional radiosondes with permanent monitoring and control. The developed prototype is composed of a mobile aerial system and a fixed ground system. The mobile part is responsible for the acquisition of meteorological information during the overflight of a dron. Along with meteorological parameters sensors, GPS devices, wireless communication cards and a Raspberry Pi, the transmission is done to the ground system. The fixed part is responsible for the wireless reception of the information and its storage in text files in the memory of a second Raspberry Pi. The tests of performance are carried out taking the mobile system to different heights. The behavior of pressure, humidity and temperature as a function of altitude are collected. This project as case study is considered the north zone of Metropolitan District of Quito. The meteorological information will be collected at different heights and zones of Pululahua volcano and San Antonio de Pichincha. This project is part of internal research project of the FIEE named “Implementation of a pilot system which enable geolocation of zones with better meteorological characteristics to artificial generation of clouds (Case of study at north of the Metropolitan District of Quito)”. The tests of performance are carried out taking the mobile system to different heights in order to appreciate the behavior of pressure, humidity and temperature as a function of altitude.
Keywords : Wireless; Radiosondes; Raspberry Pi; Drone; Meteorology.