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 número15Participación ciudadana: un nuevo paradigma en la gestión públicaGobernanza en México (1996-2020) con base en los índices de eficacia del gobierno y calidad regulatoria índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Estudios de la Gestión

versión On-line ISSN 2661-6513


ROMERO-PUENTE, José. E-government Situation in Latin American OECD Countries: Mexico, Colombia and Chile. Estudios de la Gestión [online]. 2024, n.15, pp.101-121. ISSN 2661-6513.

Interest for studies on electronic government systems has increased over the last two decades. There is extensive literature on this field and, at the same time, its conceptualization has evolved. For this reason, this article intends to analyze the status of studies regarding electronic government generated for three countries in Latin America belonging to the OCDE. The study cases correspond to Mexico, Colombia and Chile. The methodology in use is a systematic review of the scientific literature since year 2002 to 2017. The results show a close relation between the matter under analysis at the global level with which it is developed for countries in Latin America. However, certain trending topics have not been explored. Similarly, out of the three cases analyzed, there is greater development in literature in Mexico over Colombia and Chile.


H83 Public Administration.

Palabras clave : E-government; Latin America; Colombia; Mexico; Chile.

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