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Estudios de la Gestión

versión On-line ISSN 2661-6513


ARMIJOS-ORELLANA, Ana; GONZALEZ, María; MALDONADO-MATUTE, Juan  y  GUERRERO, Pedro. A Theoretical Approach to Digital Economy as a Means of Post-pandemic Recovery in Latin America. Estudios de la Gestión [online]. 2023, n.14, pp.75-100. ISSN 2661-6513.

The COVID-19 pandemic caused an unprecedented change in the social-economic environment worldwide, speeding up even more the establishment and dissemination of digital economy. The objective of this research is to describe and identify the main characteristics, benefits and obstacles of the digital economy in Latin America. Using a bibliographical review using an analytic-synthetic method, it was determined that digital economy may bring structural changes, diminish inequality and encourage social inclusion processes, as well as promote construction and participative development of organizational structures and institutional capacities in Latin American countries. The results proved that digital economy is still in early stages in this region and that at least three factors are necessary for it to be properly established: a relation of cooperation and interdependency between Academia-Companies-State; digital literacy and the establishment of public and private policies ensuring an adequate environment to allow for dynamic, sustainable social-economic growth.


R13 General Equilibrium and Welfare Economic Analysis of Regional Economies.

Palabras clave : digital literacy; digital breach; digital economy; Latin America; digital transformation.

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