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Revista Digital Novasinergia

versión On-line ISSN 2631-2654


OSORIO-ALZATE, Edgar Mauricio et al. Resolution of mathematical problems mediated by an educational video game. Novasinergia [online]. 2024, vol.7, n.2, pp.115-137.  Epub 02-Jul-2024. ISSN 2631-2654.

The research considers the effect of the mediation of an educational video game in strengthening mathematics problem solving. The quantitative method with a descriptive scope was applied. The sample was non-probabilistic with 20 students from the San Jorge Educational Institution, in Las Damas village, Municipality of Purificación, Department of Tolima. The variables studied were problem-solving performance, game mechanics, and videogame perception. The initial survey showed that 90% of the students did not have basic mathematical skills and had a negative perception of the subject area. Therefore, an educational strategy was then designed using a video game called the Variational Thinking Mathematical Corridor (Comapeva). The game was developed in third person using Unity 3D, Adobe Illustrator, and Autodesk 3d. It starred Comaco: a young adventurer who overcame mathematical challenges. The narrative script combined elements of constructivism, Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) and instructional model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). The tool was implemented with the support of the teachers. With the video game, 100% of the students were able to solve challenges using various strategies. Problem development time decreased by 21%, and teacher support requests decreased by 33%. Concentration, attention, memory, mental agility, interpretation, and analysis skills were all strengthened. The video game facilitated the construction of knowledge in mathematics in a substantial way. Consequently, the video game was found to be innovative and motivating, and it allowed for the transformation of educational practices according to the students' learning needs.

Palabras clave : Skill; Educational Strategy; Mathematics; Problem Solving; Video Games..

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