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vol.19 número1Reducción de la Distorsión Armónica Total a través de Generación Fotovoltaica y el Filtro Activo Unificado (UAPF)Evaluación del rendimiento de una bomba de calor de expansión directa asistida por energía solar mediante simulación numérica del proceso de estrangulamiento en el dispositivo de expansión índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Técnica energía

versión On-line ISSN 2602-8492versión impresa ISSN 1390-5074


LLUMITAXI, W.; PAVON, W.; ORTIZ, L.  y  POZO, N.. Hybrid Active Power Filter (APF) with Photovoltaic Generation integration for Voltage Profile Improvement. Revista Técnica energía [online]. 2022, vol.19, n.1, pp.100-109. ISSN 2602-8492.

The paper presents the design and implementation of a hybrid active power filter (APF), which aims to achieve the voltage levels correction, when they are affected by the photovoltaic generation integration within the electrical distribution network. To achieve the proposed objective, the spatial vector modulation control technique is implemented, resulting in the reduction of current and voltage harmonics. The proposed design is tested on the IEEE 13-bus test system, in MATLAB/Simulink. The proposed strategy has excellent results and allows the photovoltaic energy systems integration in distribution stage. Depending on the selection of the high-potential APF, it will determine how significant the correction is on the voltage profile. Finally, the system has load disturbances and harmonics distortion reduction.

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