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Revista Economía y Política

versión On-line ISSN 2477-9075


MORALES GUERRERO, Ricardo E.  y  ALVAREZ AROS, Erick L.. Open innovation accelerator of competitiveness and results, bibliometric study. Revista Economía y Política [online]. 2021, n.34, pp.1-16.  Epub 05-2021. ISSN 2477-9075.

Business competitiveness represents a unique value proposition for the market, this comes from internal efforts, materialized through resources, and human potential that are linked to the organizational strategy, but this dynamic should not be separated from environmental factors. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to analyze open innovation, competitiveness, and business resources through bibliometric research. The results show that the open model catapults the competitiveness drivers, as well as the strategy and competitive advantage. It also proves that this model is a tested way to achieve income from innovation, and that the paradigm transcends cultural, social or economic barriers. Therefore it is being studied from different perspectives, expanding the seminal idea with new approaches, emerging as a proposal from the academy, as novel tools, to business management, seeing that open innovation has been studied predominantly in developed countries, generating theories that influence in developing countries.

Palabras clave : Open Innovation; Competitive Drivers; Operational Efficiency; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage and Bibliometric..

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