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vol.13 número26Eclecticismo, apertura y reflexión. El diseño interior a través de las revistas de arquitectura españolas 1925-1936Reinvención museológica ante el desafío pandémico: nuevas estrategias, patrimonio y públicos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Estoa. Revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca

versión On-line ISSN 1390-9274versión impresa ISSN 1390-7263


MARCOS, Carlos L.; GAROFALO, Vincenza  y  PEDRENO, Ángel Allepuz. Authorship, co-authorship, and creativity in architecture: drawing, notation, and representation. Estoa [online]. 2024, vol.13, n.26, pp.165-180. ISSN 1390-9274.

The notion of authorship in architecture has been connected to the prominence of drawing as an autographic record of the design process since the Renaissance. The conditions and limits considering the co-authorship of a work are analyzed and a classification is proposed in relation to the different ways of considering authorship within the complex process of architectural production when several actors are involved. The role of creativity in this process is also studied regarding the context of the disciplinary past. Finally, we analyze the progressive fading of authorship concerning this graphic record of the process with the emergence of new technologies or the progressive transdisciplinary specialization that spurs the consideration of other kinds of non-graphic relationships between author and work.

Palabras clave : authorship; co-authorship; creativity; notation; architecture.

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