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ALTERIDAD.Revista de Educación

versión On-line ISSN 1390-8642versión impresa ISSN 1390-325X


MAQUERA-MAQUERA, Yanet Amanda; BERMEJO-PAREDES, Saúl; OLIVERA-CONDORI, Erika  y  VILCA-APAZA, Henry Mark. Family-classroom intervention for the development of graphomotor skills. Alteridad [online]. 2021, vol.16, n.1, pp.92-104. ISSN 1390-8642.

The complexity of pedagogical actions for initial education teachers is not reduced to directing and giving guidelines from a pedestal; it is part of the class, it requires a lot of tact and preparation. Every time, the effort is greater to innovate and generate stimulating and productive learning processes, however; at the same time, the expectations of parents and society are very high. Situation that calls for transforming pedagogical practices and responding to the social and learning needs of children. The objectives of the study are: a) to describe the beliefs of educators and parents regarding the initiation of early literacy in children of 05 years of age; and b) establish to what extent the family involvement model through the performance of fine motor activities from home, favors the learning of graphomotor skills. The methodology used corresponds to the mixed approach, descriptive-explanatory in scope. The results show not only the impact of the family involvement model, based on the incorporation and exchange of experiences and knowledge between classroom teachers and parents, in the learning of early literacy; Rather, they highlight that taking into account the beliefs of teachers and parents are decisive to transform and change the trajectory of the everyday and usual in the educational culture.

Palabras clave : Service-learning; cooperative learning; pedagogical beliefs; teaching of writing; family influence; psychomotor skills.

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