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Universitas-XXI, Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas

versión On-line ISSN 1390-8634versión impresa ISSN 1390-3837


MULLO LOPEZ, Alex Hernán; TORO BRAVO, Juan Pablo  y  ALVAREZ GARZON, Lorena Catherine. Citizen participation in community radio in the central region of Ecuador. Universitas [online]. 2019, n.31, pp.175-196. ISSN 1390-8634.

The article analyzes the work done by community radio stations in the central region of Ecuador in order to promote social progress through the promotion of participatory processes that guarantee the empowerment of the community in the administration and creation of radio content. In this way, qualitative methodologies are used through interviews applied to 12 directors and 36 broadcasters in order to identify the management model of community radio stations, how the staff working in these stations are linked, the types of financing with which they are financed, the various strategies for participation in radio programming and the actions undertaken by the Government of Ecuador in favour of the radio stations studied. Finally, it is determined that added to the well-known economic problem, it is evident that there are no horizontal communication strategies that facilitate the empowerment of citizens around the media. The Organic Law on Communication does not diversify community radio stations so that, depending on their differences, an equitable intervention in the radio spectrum is promoted. Likewise, it does not promote the empowerment of people as volunteers. The issue of training is a need that can be satisfied from the academy.

Palabras clave : Community radio; management; organization; Law of communication; citizen participation.

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