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Sophia, Colección de Filosofía de la Educación

versión On-line ISSN 1390-8626versión impresa ISSN 1390-3861


BOLANOS VIVAS, Robert Fernando. The problem of knowledge and education from analytical philosophical tendencies. Sophia [online]. 2017, n.22, pp.35-54. ISSN 1390-8626.

Starting from the obvious contemporary overstatement to learn experimental and techno scientific, which has caused an epistemic fracture of knowledge, this article, letting himself be helped by an essential characterization of analytic philosophy of language, discusses some of the epistemological problems that still challenge the intellectuals and educators in the production and transmission of knowledge. These challenges are in line of search-results processes scientific, academic, research and educational nature that are truly comprehensive and avoid discriminatory treatment agents that operate in this or that field of knowledge. From this, possible meeting points between philosophical trends mentioned, in order to make possible a response to the asymmetric evaluation of the different modes of cognitive approach to reality are proposed. In the second part of the article the linguistic analysis of analytical matrix is ​​understood as an epistemological and pedagogical tool of great relevance to the preparatory approach to any field of science. This purification procedure linguistic contributes to a kind of catharsis, not just the pseudo-philosophical problems, but also the possible linguistic inaccuracies that may occur in the academic, research and education. The article ends by analyzing the epistemological contrast between theoretical and practical aspect in scientific work. It is shown that the classical argument that “a good theory supports good practice”, being still in force, can be complemented by a scientific praxis and educational truly holistic. Hence, no longer fit these radical distinctions of confrontation between theory and practice, like two opposing moments and autonomous. The theory and practice form the only scientific, academic or educational activity.

Palabras clave : Knowledge; analytical philosophy; language; education; epistemology.

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