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vol.12 número24Los sistemas de gestión de la calidad y la calidad educativa en instituciones públicas de Educación Superior de MéxicoTeoría de juegos conductual y psicológica: una revisión sistemática índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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RETOS. Revista de Ciencias de la Administración y Economía

versión On-line ISSN 1390-8618versión impresa ISSN 1390-6291


REYES-RAMIREZ, Luis Arnolis; LEYVA-DEL TORO, Caridad; PEREZ-CAMPDESUNER, Reyner  y  SANCHEZ-RODRIGUEZ, Alexander. Variables of corporate social responsibility. A structural equation model. Retos [online]. 2022, vol.12, n.24, pp.286-305. ISSN 1390-8618.

the future value of organizations depends on the economic performance linked to their level of response to social needs and interest groups, as well as the type of relationship established with the environment in which it develops and influences. Thus, achieving high levels of corporate social responsibility (CSR) becomes a necessity for business success. This type of research is empirical. The research was aimed at identifying and validating the variables that condition and are related to CSR. The study considered in its methodology the design of an instrument based on referential research, which was applied to 778 workers. In the analysis, a structural equation model was proposed to identify associations and relationships for CSR. The evaluation of this model of structural equations and its validation through the confirmatory factorial analysis allowed to verify, as main conclusions, that corporate social responsibility presents a development conditioned by a multidimensional approach, where internal variables of the organization are manifested that show a significant level of correlation with the CSR that the organization’s customers recognize, such as leadership, orientation strategy, organizational design, communication, the development of labor competences, organizational values and job satisfaction, keeping a close relationship with previous research.

Palabras clave : corporate social responsibility; structural equations; leadership; business strategy; organizational design; communication; labor competences; organizational values; job satisfaction.

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