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Ingenius. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología

versión On-line ISSN 1390-860Xversión impresa ISSN 1390-650X


BRICENO-MARTINEZ, Bryan; CASTILLO-CALDERON, Jairo; CARRION-JAURA, Rubén  y  DIAZ-SINCHE, Diego. Proposal for implantation of coffee drying greenhouse with parabolic cover and adapted modular structurePropuesta de implantación de invernadero de secado de café con cubierta parabólica y estructura modular adaptada. Ingenius [online]. 2020, n.24, pp.36-48. ISSN 1390-860X.

The present work proposes a greenhouse for coffee drying, constituted by a parabolic solar cover and adapted modular structure. It started with a planimetric survey made using different engineering and architecture software, such as: SolidWorks y Revit Architecture. For the experiment, reverse engineering principles based on an existing structure, were used to develop a modular coupling model, in order to establish interactions between mechanisms and structure. The study demonstrated that the design of the assembly couplings facilitates their mobilization, reduces costs and allows the application of accessible materials for the solar parabolic dryer (marquee). Also, the coffee drying curves in a parabolic type solar dryer and their time are shown in Statgraphics. The result of the model with modular armature couplings was correctly associated with the existing experimental results, allowing to compare the time and efficiency of the coffee drying.

Palabras clave : ingeniería inversa; diseño; marquesina; manufactura; parabólica; Statgraphics.

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