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Revista Científica y Tecnológica UPSE (RCTU)

versión On-line ISSN 1390-7697versión impresa ISSN 1390-7638


MARTINEZ S., Manuel; LORENZO G., Érica  y  ALVAREZ L., Alamir. Milankovitch Cycles: Origin, Recognition, Applications in Cyclostratigraphy and the study of Petroleum Systems. RCTU [online]. 2017, vol.4, n.3, pp.56-65. ISSN 1390-7697.

In addition to the rotational and translational movements, The Earth exhibits other minor, though imperceptible, movements with consequences on the climatic change undergone during the geological past. Milankovitch in 1941 published a connection between the movements of precession, obliquity and eccentricity with the great climatic changes and glaciations. Each of the orbital movements presents a periodicity, detectable by means of geological or geochemical data. However, later processes in the sediment (e.g. diagenesis, overlapping cyclic patterns or the so-called lithological noise, affect the accurate detection of Milankovitch cycles. Once the orbital patterns are established in the sedimentary record of a basin, this cyclostratigraphic tool is very suitable in lithological and temporal correlations, demonstrating the usefulness in the analysis of source- and reservoir rocks of oil within the petroleum system.

Palabras clave : Milankovitch; correlation; Cyclostratigraphy; petroleum basins.

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