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vol.15 número3Apego, autoestima y funcionamiento familiar en estudiantes de bachillerato de los cantones Riobamba y GuanoEfectividad de tratamientos breves y focalizados según la percepción de pacientes con ansiedad y depresión índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Eugenio Espejo

versão On-line ISSN 2661-6742versão impressa ISSN 1390-7581


ALTAMIRANO CHERREZ, Cynthia Estefanía  e  RODRIGUEZ PEREZ, Mayra Lucía. Procrastinación académica y su relación con la ansiedad. Rev Eug Esp [online]. 2021, vol.15, n.3, pp.16-28. ISSN 2661-6742.

Academic procrastination (AP) is a problem that affects university students. The objective of the research was to establish the relationship between academic procrastination and anxiety in Clinical Psychology students at the Technical University of Ambato, Tungurahua - Ecuador, during the period April - August 2020. A study with a quantitative approach, descriptive and correlational scope, and cross-sectional was conducted. A sample of 50 future professionals was considered; in which the Busko Academic Procrastination Scale and the Hamilton Anxiety Assessment Scale were applied. In both dimensions of the AP, the average level prevailed: 52% in postponement of activities and 48% in academic self-regulation. The mild level of anxiety prevailed (54%), with significant differences according to sex (p = 0.012), in women the severe level had a higher incidence compared to men. Significant differences were found between the means of the two dimensions of academic procrastination with respect to the semester, observing that the postponement of activities was greater in the ninth, while the state of self-regulation was better in the first-year participants. The correlation was statistically significant between postponement of activities and anxiety.

Palavras-chave : Procrastination; Anxiety; Students.

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