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Revista Eugenio Espejo

versão On-line ISSN 2661-6742versão impressa ISSN 1390-7581


PASTOR ROMERO, Sebastián Alejandro  e  VELEZ BASTIDAS, Génesis Gardenia. Manejo laparoscópico de hernia diafragmática traumática: reporte de un caso. Rev Eug Esp [online]. 2020, vol.14, n.2, pp.92-101. ISSN 2661-6742.

Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia represents a challenge at diagnosis. A timely detection allows to establish a correct surgical treatment. It is presented the case of a 37-year-old male patient with a history of stabbing chest trauma 4 years earlier; who comes for symptoms of intense abdominal pain located in the epigastrium that radiates to the left hypochondrium of sudden onset 72 hours before admission. On physical examination, vesicular murmur decreased in the left lung field, and a painful abdomen on palpation at the level of the epigastrium and left hypochondrium were showed. Laboratory tests did not show any alterations, but tomography reports a left diaphragmatic hernia; this one was solved surgically by laparoscopic technique.

Palavras-chave : Hernia; Diaphragmatic; Traumatic; Wounds; Penetrating; Thoracic Injuries; laparoscopy.

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