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Revista Eugenio Espejo

versão On-line ISSN 2661-6742versão impressa ISSN 1390-7581


QUISIGUINA GUEVARA, Sandra Marcela  e  ZURITA SOLIS, Myriam Katherine. Resistencia flexural y estabilidad de color en resinas híbridas y cerómeros empleadas en restauraciones indirectas. Rev Eug Esp [online]. 2020, vol.14, n.1, pp.95-104. ISSN 2661-6742.

Dental restorations using indirect technique were developed to optimize the mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of the polymerized materials. In this sense, this research was carried out to compare restorations by the indirect technique using hybrid resin (P60 / 3M) and a ceromer (Ceramage-Shofu) through flexural resistance and color stability. A comparative and observational study was carried out in 30 samples structured in the form of blocks, distributed in 2 groups, 15 pieces each one; in the first (G1) Filtek P60 / 3M resin were analyzed; while, in the second (G2), Ceramage-Shofu brand ceromer was used. 80.00% of the pieces in group 1 evolved from A1 to B1; however, in group 2 (resin pieces), the transformation was unfavorable, more than 50% selecting an imprecise category between the B3 and B4 values. The U Mann Whitney test determined the existence of a significant difference between both groups, as well as between the initial and final states of the color of the pieces in both groups (p <0.001). The Student's t-test compares the mean values, obtaining different differences (p <0.001), regarding the resistance observed in both dental materials. The results related to flexural resistance and color stability between the two dental biomaterials analyzed establish a statistically significant difference between them.

Palavras-chave : Biocompatible Materials; Dental Materials; Inlays.

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