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vol.4 número2Educando en crisis: estudio de las prácticas docentes para implementar los currículos para la emergencia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Andina de Educación

versão On-line ISSN 2631-2816


BALSECA CORDOVA, Lorena; ORELLANA NAVARRETE, Verónica; RODRIGUEZ ORDONEZ, Isabel Cristina  e  SALAS BUSTOS, David Alejandro. Training of virtual tutors. An educational experience from the point of view of the trainers. Revista Andina de Educación [online]. 2021, vol.4, n.2, pp.1-10. ISSN 2631-2816.

The pandemic caused by the COVID-19 outbreak forced higher education institutions to make an emergency transition to remote teaching. In this context, several institutions initiated training processes for teachers to enhance and/or develop skills in using ICTs to continue the teaching-learning process. This work presents five trainers' experience tutoring an intensive training course for virtual tutors in which 520 university professors participated. The results show difficulty using technological tools, netiquette rules, and a basic level of communication skills. Regarding the work with e-activities, the research identified that the most complex topics are planning and evaluation, while designing these e-activities is easier for them.

Palavras-chave : Remote teaching; Virtual learning; Teacher training; Virtual tutoring.

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