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Revista de Ciencias Humanísticas y Sociales (ReHuSo)

versão On-line ISSN 2550-6587


MAMANI QUISPE, Katy del Rosario  e  VILCA COLQUEHUANCA, Gustavo Luis. Service quality and user satisfaction in municipal public libraries in southern Peru. ReHuSo [online]. 2022, vol.7, n.3, pp.1-16.  Epub 05-Dez-2022. ISSN 2550-6587.

Municipal libraries are public spaces where citizens can read and consult various bibliographic sources. In the Puno region, in the south of Peru, these spaces face internal and external challenges that make their operation difficult and the possibility of generating public value. In this context, the objective of this study was to determine the relationship between service quality and user satisfaction in public libraries in the provincial municipalities of the Puno region. The methodology corresponds to a quantitative approach, with a correlational scope, a non-experimental design and a transactional cut. The study includes the total of provincial municipal libraries that work in the study area (11 libraries). The sample consisted of 368 users who make use of the services offered. For data collection, two instruments were applied: the first, measured the quality of service through the self-diagnosis guide of the Technical Standard for the management of quality of services in the public sector; and the second, the LIBQUAL model scale to measure the satisfaction of library users. The results report that nine (09) of the eleven (11) municipal libraries are at a low level (I and II) regarding the degree of compliance with the components of the Technical Standard, while the libraries of Puno and Moho reached a level III. Regarding user satisfaction, it is still low.

Palavras-chave : library; service quality; libqual; municipality; satisfaction..

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