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vol.5 número1Perfil del turista en función de las motivaciones para productos turísticos patrimoniales – caso Ruta del Hielo IITurismo comunitario en América Latina, un concepto en construcción índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2477-8850


HUARACA VERA, Luis Ernesto; TOAPANTA VALDIVIEZO, Katherine; CHIRIBOGA BARBA, Danny Fernando  y  FUENTES MORENO, Aníbal Gonzalo. El voluntariado como herramienta de desarrollo para el turismo comunitario. Caso parroquia Tocachi, cantón Pedro Moncayo. Siembra [online]. 2018, vol.5, n.1, pp.111-120. ISSN 2477-8850.

It should begin to conceive volunteerism, in the development of community tourism, as an opportunity for economic improvement, organizational gain, in the cultural and social aspect and therefore, in the level of life of those involved, the work of volunteering in the development of community tourism would provide substantial gains to the communities that practice it, this research of quantitative-descriptive analytical-exploratory approach, was proposed as an objective to assess the issue of volunteering through the analysis of tourism volunteers who have worked in tourism community in Ecuador, for the implementation of a volunteer program as a tool for community tourism development in the Tocachi parish, of the Pedro Moncayo district. After the assessment it was concluded that open and participatory, interclass, intercultural and intergenerational volunteerism should be established, where everyone contributes and benefits. It contributes in four areas to the development of community tourism, culture, organization, environment and economy, this latter can contribute to the financial support in the communities that carry out community tourism. The volunteer project as a development tool for the community tourism in the parish of study is viable and realistic to provide economic benefits to that community. In addition, there are gaps in solid data on volunteering that the academic community and the State must guarantee to develop strategies that take into account the universal and powerful force which represents volunteering in the development of the country.

Palabras clave : volunteering; community tourism; development tool.

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