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vol.38 número2Análisis de la inhibición de microorganismos proteolíticos en filetes de tilapia roja (Oreochromis spp) conservados con propóleo (Apis mellifera Linnaeus) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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LA GRANJA. Revista de Ciencias de la Vida

versión On-line ISSN 1390-8596versión impresa ISSN 1390-3799


MORA, Tatiana; SUAREZ, Martha; BRITO, Carlos  y  ALMACHI, Dennys. Solvatochromic behavior of the natural colorant of blueberry (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth). La Granja [online]. 2023, vol.38, n.2, pp.9-16. ISSN 1390-8596.

The solvatochromic effect is the modification of the absorption spectrum of a solute by varying the solvent. This research evaluated the solvatochromic characteristics of Malvidin-3-glucoside hydrochloride. The method to obtain maximum wavelengths was by spectral scanning. In primary standard CAS No. 7228-78.6, the variation was determined in binary mixtures of ethanol-water: 40,55, and 70%v/v. The solvatochromic effect when modifying the pH of the solvent (water) was evaluated in natural dye and stabilized. The results suggest that the intermolecular hydrogen connections between Malvidin-3-glucoside and the ethanol-water binary mixtures are responsible for the solvatochromic changes: 565.2586 ± 3.2784nm, 472.5498 ± 2.5128nm and 457.3589 ± 6.2586nm, produced by the analyzed combinations. When anthocyanins are stabilized in a chelating matrix, the solvatochromic changes produced by varying the pH of the water solvent are not significant compared to the unstabilized natural dye.

Palabras clave : malvidin-3-glucoside; secondary metabolites; dye; natural products; solvatochromism; anthocyanins; pectin..

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