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Revista San Gregorio

versión On-line ISSN 2528-7907versión impresa ISSN 1390-7247


DIAZ RODRIGUEZ, Brenner Fabián; GONZALEZ ANDARCIA, María Esther  y  FARFAN PINOARGOTE, Dayton Francisco. Experiences and learning in legal advice to the San Pedro integral support center. Revista San Gregorio [online]. 2021, vol.1, n.45, pp.99-113. ISSN 2528-7907.

The following article presents the experiences and learning obtained by students and teachers of the Law career of the San Gregorio de Portoviejo University, through the project "Legal Advice to the San Pedro Integral Support Center". This project is carried out due to the lack of updating of legal life, which prevents access to social programs from both the local and national government, international entities; Its beneficiaries are boys, girls and adolescents who present various situations of violation of rights. The objective of the project from which the article emanates was proposed to provide advice to the charitable community of the San Pedro Integral Support Center in its legal structure and to families in the care of various cases of rights violations, through the Law School. A qualitative methodology with participant observation was used for the care and advice to parents and officials. The main results show the updating of the legal regulations of the center and the effectiveness of the advice on issues of rights and responsibilities of fathers, mothers and administrative staff of the San Pedro Integral Support Center.

Palabras clave : human rights; social vulnerability; university - society linkage.

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