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Sophia, Colección de Filosofía de la Educación

On-line version ISSN 1390-8626Print version ISSN 1390-3861


CHAVEZ VACA [1], Vinicio Alexander. A sociological approach to the patterns in the formation of university teachers. Sophia [online]. 2017, n.23, pp.141-159. ISSN 1390-8626.

This study focuses on the sociology present in the models of preparation of university teachers, I understand that a change in education leads to a transformation in overcoming teachers, but without forgetting the context. Therefore, the theoretical postulates that exist on the subject are presented, fulfilling the objective of presenting theoretically the scientific development on the training of teachers, the professional profile and the models that until this moment have been proposed to promote the overcoming of the Teachers in an educational institution. Recognizing the importance of Higher Education in the development of the countries, the results of the bibliographic review are presented with the intention that the next proposals of change will find support in the previous scientific production, taking into account the previous dissertations on these topics of Educational and social relevance. Therefore, approaches and perspectives are proposed that should guide the development of the teacher and improvement in the university environment. After analyzing the theoretical postulates it is concluded that the educational institutions present a determined level of development and a pedagogical and academic structure in correspondence with its functionality and the context where they are inserted. The planning of your curriculum also influences the experience, concerns and commitments to the surrounding environment. Because of this, the proposal of a teacher training model is not able to arise from a schematic question of transforming skills and competences without actually determining the professional profile sought by both the center and society in line with the development of technologies and processes.

Keywords : Teacher’s education; professional profile; formation patterns; high education.

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