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Iuris Dictio

 ISSN 2528-7834 ISSN 1390-6402

CHIRIBOGA, Abigail Quevedo y Aura. Interview with Jorge Galán: November the novel that reopens the possibility of justice in El Salvador. []. , 22, pp.239-246. ISSN 2528-7834.  https://doi.org/10.18272/iu.v22i22.1302.

This interview with Salvadorian writer and keynote speaker, Jorge Galán, took place within the context of the International Conference “Libertad de expresión: diálogos y reflexiones desde el derecho y la literatura”, held in Quito, in June 2018. In this dialogue the author’s thoughts are explored through his most recent novel, November, a significant picture of El Salvador in one of its most violent and uncertain periods of time, the 80’s. The novel reflects on a famous case: the assassination of José Simeón Cañas (UCA), a member of the Jesuit congregation of the Universidad Centroamericana. In fact, this literary text solves a crime that the Salvadoran judicial system left in impunity. The interview also reflects on the impact of the novel, the writing process, the encounter between literature and law, impunity as a form of injustice, and the power of testimony as the only way to give voice to those who have been silenced.

: Derecho y Literatura; Political history from El Salvador; Literature from Central America; Realistic novel; Testimony..

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