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Enfoque UTE

 ISSN 1390-6542 ISSN 1390-9363

PAREDES SALINAS, Juan G.; PEREZ SALINAS, Cristian F.    CASTRO MINIGUANO, Christian B.. (Analysis of the mechanical properties of the composite of polyester matrix reinforced with glass fiber 375 and cabuya applied to the automotive industry). []. , 8, 3, pp.1-15. ISSN 1390-6542.  https://doi.org/10.29019/enfoqueute.v8n3.163.

Studies of composite materials play an important role in engineering, materials, metallurgy and mechanical applications. Polymer reinforced fibers are widely used in the automotive and aeronautical industry because of their benefits such as low cost, noise control, low weight and ease of processing. The objective of this research was to prepare a composite based on 375 (FV) glass fiber with additions of natural cabuya (CF) fiber in laminations of short natural fiber of cabuya (FCO1-30%) and long fiber of the same (FL-30%). The results showed a better mechanical tensile behavior in 7.7% compared to the material commonly used. It was observed that 30% long fiber in a layer order, FV+FC+FV, is a potential reinforcement of the alternative hybrid material for automotive applications. In addition, a balanced reinforcement organization, FV+FC, and micro structural adhesion with the polymeric reinforcement matrix (RP) were evidenced by scanning microscopy. The results of tensile stress and axial deformation of the best combination of composite material, FL-30%, are validated using the finite element method (MEF).

: cabuya; stress; traction; hybrid materials; automotive..

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