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Revista Politécnica

 ISSN 2477-8990 ISSN 1390-0129

RIVERA, Pablo    SOTOMAYOR, Nelson. Flyback Microinverter with Nonlinear Control for Low Power Photovoltaic Applications. []. , 46, 1, pp.59-66. ISSN 2477-8990.  https://doi.org/10.33333/rp.vol46n1.06.

This work presents a simple solution for the design of a controller of an integrated converter into the photovoltaic panel based on a low power Flyback type inverter with nonlinear control of the primary current to control the power injected into the grid with unit power factor. The reference current is obtained using the Incremental Conductance (IC) algorithm and consequently attain the maximum power of the solar panel regardless of the atmospheric conditions. The nonlinear controller is designed to work in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) facilitating the design when compared to the design complexity of this type of converters when operating in continuous conduction mode (CCM) due to the current transfer function of the Flyback inverter has a right half-plane (RHP) zero. Additionally, the stability analysis is developed using the Lyapunov method to demonstrate the stability of the system and the boundedness of the closed-loop system signals. The simulation results validate the performance and robustness of the controller.

: Inverter; Flyback; Photovoltaic Cell; Nonlinear Control.

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