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Enfoque UTE
 ISSN 1390-6542 ISSN 1390-9363



Rosales, Carlos; Viteri, Jorge; Rivera, Nadya; Comas, Raúl

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Terán, Fabián Ortiz; Haro, Bolívar Haro

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Lowy, David; Garrido, Geovanna; Melo, Vinicio

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Ávila, Idalberto Tamayo; Bravo, Luis Geovanny Pazmiño; Alvear, Diego Fabián Valencia; Paredes, Mayra Mariuxi Galván; Zaldivar, Marcos Antonio Batista

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Clavijo, Daniela Baldeón; Rodríguez, Francisco Velázquez; Estupiñán, Jesús Eligio Castellanos

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Rodríguez-Balza, Mairett; Pérez-Ybarra, Luis; Quintana-Rivero, William

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Riveros, María Alejandra Malberti; Klenzi, Raúl Oscar

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Caiza, Julio C.; Guamán, Danny S.; López, Gabriel R.

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Ordoñez, Ángel Fiallos

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