ISSN 1390-7794 printed version
ISSN 1390-7794 on-line version

Instructions to authors


Deadlines for submissions

Papers can be submitted in the following periods (January-May) – (July – November); nevertheless, articles sent after November 1st of every year will be published in the next year’s edition. Notwithstanding, once the Editorial Committee approves of papers, these will be immediately uploaded to our electronic version.


General conditions and ethics statements

Submitted articles may be rejected due to spelling and grammar errors such as vague use of vocabulary, incorrect punctuation, lack of clarity, syntax errors, unnecessary use of Anglicism, etc. We positively recommend thorough revision of paper’s grammar before submission, in order to avoid complications. All articles must comply with our ethical standards (based on COPE standards) and, at the end process, authors must sign a Statement of originality and authorization for the publication.

Moreover, papers will be revised on several plagiarism detection tools, as Viper, Plagium, Quetext, Grammarly, Plagiarisma, iThenticate or Copyleaks. To avoid ghostwriting practices (a failure to declare as authors who have written, spoken or contributed substantially to research), the Editor will eventually be able to ask for some clarification about individual contribution of each co-author in the research, in acquisition of data, in analysis and interpretation, in drafting the article or in revising it critically, as well as information about sources of research funding.

Papers that do not comply with all our edition, ethic and style norms will not be accepted.



Format must comply with the following rules:

  • Fort the text’s body: Arial Font, size 12, left spacing 6 and right spacing 0. Line spacing 1.5. No indentations.
  • Footnotes: Arial Font, size 10, left spacing 6 and right spacing 0. Line spacing 1. Notes will be numbered in order and located at the bottom of the page.
  • References: Arial Font, size 10, left spacing 6 and right spacing 0. Line spacing 1. No indentations.


"Juan Larrea Holguín" International Award

This section includes the papers that have won the aforementioned award. Papers must comply all conditions provided for "Articles" section. Submitted papers must be original, unedited and they must not be actually in process of publication by any other institution or journal. Recommended length goes from 20 to 30 pages. The bibliography must be included at the end, annotations should be written in footnotes, and APA rules must be followed.



This section will check if the winner paper fulfills the originality criteria and if it is appropriate to the Journal’s content. Submitted papers must be original, unedited and they must not be actually in process of publication by any other institution or journal. Recommended length goes from 8,000 to 12,000 words including the list of references. The bibliography must be included at the end, annotations should be written in footnotes, and APA rules must be followed. Papers that do not comply with our edition norms will not be accepted. In this section, papers must have:

  • (a) Page 1:

    - Title and authors.

    - Author identification information, including the institution to which he belongs, his relationship to the institution (professor, researcher, etc.). Complete postal information, email address, web page and ORCID number (if pertinent).

    - Research scholarships or competitions that funded or promoted the paper’s creation (if pertinent).

  • (b) Page 2:

    - The paper’ title (in original language and in English).

    - Abstract (in original language and English). We recommend to use 150-250 words, with the following content: scope, method, papers structure and conclusion.

    - Five keywords (in original language and in English) separated by semicolons (;) and in alphabetical order. We recommend that the authors rely on the Unesco Thesaurus.

  • (c) Page 3 and following:

    - The title will be posted on the first line.

    - The text without identification information, to allow for anonymous evaluation.

  • (d) References:

    Bibliographic information should use the American Psychological Association APA standards. Bibliography will also include references used to write the paper, and will be ordered alphabetically following the author’s last names. If more than one work of the same author is cited, a letter should be included after the year, as shown:

    ooks:Pérez, Pedro (2005a). Common Law. New York: CEP.
    Articles:Pérez, Pedro (2005b). Jurisprudence in America. Constitutional Law Journal, 21(2), 9-30.

    Every explicatory note should be posted at the bottom of the page. Citations should be written inside square quotation marks and the source should be put at the end of the citation, inside parenthesis, as shown: (Pérez, 2005b, p. 20). Any changes made to the citation should be written between brackets. If citation exceeds 40 words, text should be intended, single spaced and out of the main body.


Communications, reports and debates

Works submitted to this section could be papers, communications or speeches previously presented at congresses or conferences, as well as unpublished reports of human rights or debates between two authors about some personal right.

Finally, publication must follow APA rules. Works that do not comply with our edition norms will not be accepted.



This section includes articles that contain abstracts of law papers up to two pages long (approx.), or more if contains a deep study of historical books. This section will publish reviews to relevant recently published books or to books with great historical value. In general, we recommend not to use footnotes in this section.

For the recensions Section, articles must include, as a title the information of the summarized book, in the following manner: Last Name1 Last Name2, Name. (Year). Book Title. Place of publication: Editorial.


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