ISSN printed version: 1390-6402
ISSN on-line version: 2528-7834



Focus and Scope

Iuris Dictio is a peer-review journal focused on Law Studies. Its goal is to disseminate original, recent studies with the purpose of contributing to and discussing the complex juridical phenomenon.

In order to extensively and periodically widen the debate within a socially responsible, international Academia, Iuris Dictio will be published twice a year and all its papers will be free to access and circulate.

The journal was founded in 1998 and is part of the School of Law of Universidad San Francisco de Quito. It is based on the philosophy of Liberal Arts and, as such, selects professionals from various institutions and backgrounds to be part of its editorial team.

While trying to understand the contemporary world, the journal intends for each one of its issues to match the general analysis of Law with the appropriate expertise that some legal topics require, through the publication of innovative, quality papers and reviews by people involved in academic endeavors.


Section Guidelines

Iuris Dictio is composed of five sections: dossier, miscellaneous, translations, review, and interviews.

This section’s goal is to put together different papers that share an original perspective on a special topic related to Law Studies. The papers will be sent to the editorial team after a previously announced Call for Papers, open for a period between 8 to 12 months, during which authors can send in their work to be evaluated. The papers can be of 4 types: a) theoretical or doctrinal analysis; b) analysis of national or international regulations; c) jurisprudential comments; d) comparative analysis.
This section will be coordinated by a specialist responsible for the publication of the Monograph. All papers must respect the criteria of the Style Manual of the journal and respond to Publication Guidelines. Papers have to be original and not previously published, nor be in the process of being evaluated for another journal. Papers must be between 20,000 and 40,000 characters long (without spaces).

This section is composed of doctrinal papers, legislative reviews, jurisprudential comments of any topic, and comparative analysis of the law. All papers that do not comply with the Journal"™s Guidelines and Style Manual will be rejected. Papers sent for this section must be original and cannot be in the process of being evaluated by other journals. Papers must be between 20,000 and 40,000 words long (without spaces).

This section seeks to republish papers that were first published in languages other than Spanish. The paper, to be republished, should be relevant to the study of Law and must incorporate the stylebook of Iuris Dictio, even if the original article was written down with another citation system. The Editorial Director will decide on the publication of all translated papers. The translator must have the permission of the author as well as the institution where the article was published for the first time. It must not exceed 25,000 characters.

This section is dedicated to reviewing books in the field of Law. Books reviewed should have been published two years before the year of publication of the review. The review must be original and must not exceed 18,000 characters.

This section seeks to collect unpublished interviews with both, jurists and specialists from other areas different from the legal area, but who can contribute to the complex legal phenomenon in contemporary times. Its extension must not exceed 25,000 characters.


Peer-Review Process

Papers received for dossier and miscellaneous, without exception, will go through a first evaluation process by members of the Editorial Committee, who will verify if the submission respects the quality requirements demanded by Iuris Dictio, if found to be otherwise they will reject the submission. Authors will be notified in either case (accepted or rejected) during the first 6 months from the day of reception of the text.

Subsequently, each article that goes through the initial filter will be examined by two external judges who are specialists in the matter. The name of the author will not be provided to the reviewers. They will decide whether to publish, publish with corrections or reject the article. In the case that the judges do not come to an agreement, the article will be sent to a third judge who will have the determining vote.

If decided to publish, the article will be sent back to the author who will make the required corrections according to the publishing schedule. Authors will have two months maximum from the time of notification to accept publication and to apply changes. Overdue papers will not be published.

The peer-review process does not apply to reviews, interviews, and translations.

For the evaluation, each peer referee must fill in the following form after having read the article to be evaluated: Evaluation form.


Frequency of Publication

The journal is biannual, with one release on June (January-June) and one in December (July-December). In order to lock those dates, it is of great importance to follow a strict calendar that will define operative timing. For the same reason authors will be notified on time about evaluation or revision of the papers.

Open Access Policy

Content of the journal is based on an open access policy (Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional), promoting academic debate and equitable diffusion of ideas and critical thinking. Because it is an online publication to be spread through the OJS (Open Journal System) platform, which is now being implemented, it intends to grant transparency of processes and free participation. However, the School of Law of the Universidad de San Francisco de Quito and USFQ Press have the right to print certain numbers for library use or other offline spaces.

Verification of originality and authenticity

The Editorial Team of Iuris Dictio verifies the originality of the papers received with Turnitin, anti-plagiarism software that evaluates the article, making a comparison of similarity percentages with other papers published on the Internet. Papers must present the author's own ideas.

In case of detecting plagiarism, the article will not be published, and the author of the original document will be informed.

Publication and edition

USFQ Press publishes the Journal. The College of Jurisprudence of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ is where this publication is born and based. The publication costs of the Journal are assumed internally by USFQ Press and the USFQ College of Jurisprudence. The individual authors do not have to pay any fee for the editing and publication of the article (article-processing charges, APC). Iuris Dictio does not subsidize articles (waivers).

Publication time

Iuris Dictio publishes the papers, reviews, interviews, and translations in an average of six months. This term (which includes the review by blind peers, the opinion of publication, the reformulation by the author of the writing, the edition, the layout, and the final review of the layout text by the author) requires the commitment of punctual delivery and accuracy of the texts by the authors. In extraordinary cases that do not adhere to the times of the journal, the publication of the final text could take a year.

Ethical statement on publication and bad practices

Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) is committed to promoting ethical conduct in the publication of its scientific journals and takes as reference the principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (, in addition to the Code of Honor and Coexistence (


College of Jurisprudence.


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