ISSN 1390-650X print version
ISSN 1390-860X online version



Basic information

INGENIUS publishes original contributions in the field of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and its integration in what is now known as Mechatronics, as well as related areas: Automation, Control, Domotics, Robotics in its different fields of action and all those related disciplines interdisciplinarily with the central thematic line.

It is aimed at students, teachers, researchers and the general public who work in the development and innovation of systems, products and processes in which the synergy of Engineering is consolidated; Professionals in the areas of Mechanics, Electrical, Electronics, Computing and currently Mechatronics use published contributions to support and develop new research, product innovation and technology development that allows favoring and meeting the needs of industry and society in general.


Editorial Policy

All articles will be submitted to a rigorous arbitration process; the evaluation of the article will be done according to criteria of originality, relevance, timeliness, contributions, scientific rigor and compliance with the established editorial standards.

As it is an arbitrated publication, the Editorial Board approves its publication based on the concept of specialized peers. The receipt of a document does not imply a commitment to publish.

Once the manuscript has been received at OJS, the editorial team checks the following points:

The theme is in accordance with the criteria of the journal.

It must have the IMRDC structure.

It must be in the INGENIUS magazine format.

You must use the IEEE citation form.

All bibliographic references must be cited in the text of the manuscript as well as tables, figures and equations.

The manuscript is original, for this a software is used to determine plagiarism



This journal uses different national and international repositories where the publication, such as Redalyc, Latindex, Dialnet, REDIB ... The Portico repository and the Institutional Repository of the Salesian Polytechnic University (Ecuador) is housed digitally archived and turn guarantee indexing


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