02/20/2020 Second Meeting of the Advisory Committee 2019-2021

The second ordinary session of the 2019-2021 advisory committee took place in the City of Quito, at the facilities of the Secretary of Higher Education, Orellana building; with the presence of the following members:
- Yolanda Otavalo.
- Luis Álvarez, PhD.
- Xavier Lastra, PhD.
- Jenny Pontoon, PhD.
- Elisa Quiala, PhD.
- Pedro Carretero, PhD. Skype.
The Committee was chaired by Lic. Yolanda Otavalo, delegate of the General Coordinator of the Committee and, as secretary, Ing. Andrea Campaña.

During the session it was resolved:
- Reject the entry of one (1) magazine into the collection, due to non-compliance with the format criteria required for entry.
- Conditionally approve the entry of one (1) magazine into the collection.
-The verification mechanisms for compliance with the permanence criteria for the journals of the SciELO-Ecuador collection.
-Notify the journals of the collection, the result of the evaluation of permanence.
-Maintain the sixteen (16) journals evaluated within the SciELO-Ecuador collection

For more information or questions contact the mail: scielo@senescyt.gob.ec



SciELO Ecuador - Scientific Electronic Library Online
SENESCYT - Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology, Innovation and Ancestral Knowledge
E3-62 Orellana Avenue - 170516 - Quito - Ecuador
Telephone: 593 2 3934300 ext. 1628 Email: scielo@senescyt.gob.ec