12/05/2023 Sixth Meeting of the Advisory Committee 2022-2024

The sixth meeting of the SciELO Ecuador 2022-2024 Consultative Committee was held on December 05, 2023. During the meeting, the entry of one (1) journal was approved, the advance of one (1) and the entry of three was denied (3) magazines. The result is summarized below:

Detail Number of Magazines Knowledge Area Magazine Name Committee's comment
Stage "Format evaluation" 1 Social Science Kairós, Revista de Ciencias Económicas, Jurídicas y Administrativas (2631-2743) Advance to the next stage
Stage "Content and Format evaluation” 1 Health Sciences Odontología UG Denied
Stage "Content evaluation” 3 Social Science Estudios de la Gestión. Revista Internacional de Administración Approval
Social Science Revista Sociedad y Tecnología Denied
Health Sciences Revista Oncología Denied
Magazines analyzed 5

Members of the SciELO-Ecuador Advisory Committee who participated in the sixth meeting:

1. William Ponce
2. Jenny Torres
3. Carmita Álvarez
4. Pablo Carrillo
5. Joline Jaraiseh - General Coordinator
6. Andrea Campaña- Secretary of the Committee

For more information or questions contact the mail: scielo@senescyt.gob.ec



SciELO Ecuador - Scientific Electronic Library Online
SENESCYT - Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology, Innovation and Ancestral Knowledge
Av. Alpallana E7-183 and Whymper - 1701518 - Quito - Ecuador
Telefone: 593 2 3934300 ext. 1360 Email: scielo@senescyt.gob.ec