05/20/2021 Eleventh Meeting of the SciELO-Ecuador Advisory Committee 2019-2021

The eleventh meeting of the SciELO Ecuador Advisory Committee was held on May 20, 2021 and resulted in the entry of one (1) new scientific journal and the advancement of one (1) journal in the indexing process to the SciELO Collection-Ecuador. The result is summarized below:

Detail Number of Magazines Knowledge Area Magazine Name Committee's comment
Stage "Content Assessment" 1 Social Sciences Economía y Política Approval
Stage “Format evaluation” 1 Agriculture Siembra Advances to the next stage
Magazines analyzed 2

Members of the SciELO-Ecuador Advisory Committee who participated in the eleventh meeting:
1. Xavier Lastra, PhD.
2. Pedro Carretero, PhD.
3. Elisa Quiala, PhD.
4. Gonzalo Vargas, PhD.
5. Marcelo Vilcacundo, PhD.
6. Felipe Quesada, PhD
7. Nicolás Malo, MSc - General Coordinator
8. Andrea Campaña, engineer - Secretary of the Committee

For more information or questions contact the mail: scielo@senescyt.gob.ec



SciELO Ecuador - Scientific Electronic Library Online
SENESCYT - Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology, Innovation and Ancestral Knowledge
E3-62 Orellana Avenue - 170516 - Quito - Ecuador
Telephone: 593 2 3934300 ext. 1628 Email: scielo@senescyt.gob.ec