04/20/2020 Extraordinary Meeting of the SciELO-Ecuador Advisory Committee 2019-2021

The fourth meeting of the 2019-2021 advisory committee took place under the virtual modality on the Jitsi Meet platform; with the presence of the following members:
- Mg. Nicolás Malo
- Jenny Pontoon, PhD.
- Xavier Lastra, PhD.
- Luis Álvarez, PhD.
- Pedro Carretero, PhD.
- Joaquín Brito, PhD.
Additionally, during the session there was the presence of Verónica Dávalos, PhD, as a guest; who had the right to speak but not vote.
The Mg Committee chaired. Nicolás Malo, General Coordinator of the Advisory Committee; and Ing. Andrea Campaña acted as Secretary.

During the session it was resolved:
- In order for Ecuador to actively participate in the SciELO-Preprint platform, the National Coordinating Institution will send a statement to all the publishers of the SciELO collection, detailing the procedure for publishing preprints.
- The committee requests the National Coordinating Institution to prepare a communication campaign proposal about the SciELO Preprints server.
- Move forward with the management of events: 1) Dialogue between editors of the National collection and members of the advisory committee, and 2) National Meeting of Editors 2020.

For more information or questions contact the mail: scielo@senescyt.gob.ec



SciELO Ecuador - Scientific Electronic Library Online
SENESCYT - Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology, Innovation and Ancestral Knowledge
E3-62 Orellana Avenue - 170516 - Quito - Ecuador
Telephone: 593 2 3934300 ext. 1628 Email: scielo@senescyt.gob.ec